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Client testimonials

With what desire did you step into this coaching container?

My desire was to explore and learn about myself. I had recently begun a journey into general mindfulness and consciousness and when Sanne and I found each other, it just felt like it was meant to be for me to enter this coaching container.

When you look back, what has the coaching given you in regards to your desire?

I have learnt about my infinite potential to grow and to learn more about myself - which has become very clearly what I see the purpose in life; to keep learning and growing and finding ways to do so.

What else has this given you? What effect has the coaching had on your life?

I've been able to bring some practical exercises into my sex life and relationship which have been great. Again, adding that mindfulness and understanding of how to harness and better make use of my masculine energy has been very empowering for me.

How did you experience my guidance/me as a coach?

I felt like you had a genuine desire to understand where I was coming from and I appreciated that when we checked in at the beginning of each session, I felt like you put energy into getting into and understanding the headspace I was in, never losing sight of it while going through the actual coaching session.

Is it what you expected? Did you miss something or did you get something that you hadn’t expected to receive?

The only expectation I came in with was of myself - to be open and to learn and allow myself to be vulnerable, as long as I felt safe. Which I did.


What is the most important thing people need to know when working with me? To allow a balance between what the actual "plan" for that session is and the opportunity to spend time letting each connection and session be organic enough to allow the flow of communication and energy to suit that specific day and dynamic. Let the dynamic between yourself (as the client) and the coach be part of each session.

Would you recommend this coaching container to others, and why?

I would definitely. I believe people create many narratives in their lives, based off expectations, cultural norms, societal norms - and this container definitely helps to make you feel connected with your own energy and understand that we all have and share energy which in turn has allowed me a freedom to really embrace who I am as Dan (the child, the current person and the future person) and love all of it.


You have a true gift and to give it to others is very genuine and selfless. I appreciate you very much.


1:1 Coaching client


1:1 Coaching client

"Journeying with Sanne was magical and has opened many little doors, through which she guided me softly and helped me to gain many inspiring insights. We worked through a lot of different topics with a wide range of embodied and reflective exercises, each one of them powerful in its own way. I learned a lot around how to consciously connect, feel, be and play with my own sexual energy. My vulva and I have started to befriend each other! And I have come to feel so much awe and respect for this part of my body, wanting to explore more and to break forever with related taboos and oppressive patterns from society.


In my sessions with Sanne I also learned to sense more finely into my desires, needs and limits, and to define and embrace a new sexual story. I learned how to balance my feminine and masculine qualities, and how to tune into various inner archetypes whenever I need. With lots of embodied exercises, Sanne helped me to ground into my body, and to feel more present and aware of what’s going on in me. She gave me lots of tools and safe space to nurture more self-love and confidence in myself.


Also on relationship level, she enabled me to see some strong, unhelpful patterns and beliefs that we transformed into empowering and supportive ones.


With Sanne’s fine sense of empathy and flexibility, she carefully adapted her sessions and facilitation style to my needs and kept on checking in with me to fine-tune whenever needed. I loved hearing her warm and gentle voice and feeling her caring and non-judgmental presence. This really helped me to let go of my fear of losing control and really just be me, with whatever was present in me.


I am surprised how well it worked for me to do our sessions online, enabling me to stay in my own home and in the same time feeling as if Sanne was actually sitting next to me in person, as she intuitively knew exactly when and how to check in on me and guide me through the process. Even in moments that my video was off!


I am also very grateful for the various audios she spoke in and sent me to continue practicing by myself.


If you choose to be coached by Sanne, you can be sure to be inspired by her dedication to this work and to you as her client. You will be in very safe and confident hands!"

“Sanne has compassionately and considerately coached me over the space of a few months in an area of my life that I had previously kept quite private and internal. The journey to opening up and allowing myself to grow and learn has felt so natural and nurturing and this is defintiely one of Sanne’s strengths – she has always made me feel like we are making progress and I feel more empowered after each session. It almost feels like Sanne is constantly introducing me to a version of myself that I’ve known is there but that we sometimes suppress and stifle, not knowing how much power is getting locked away at the same time.”


1:1 Coaching client


1:1 Coaching client

With what desire did you step into this coaching container?

"I stepped in with a desire to better understand and deepen my connection to my masculinity. I also wanted to deepen my practice of semen retention, be able to connect more deeply with my sexual partners, last as long as I wanted to in the bedroom and ultimately become multi-orgasmic."


When you look back, what has the coaching given you in regards to your desire?

"The coaching programme was amazing in that it looked to address the cause rather than the symptoms of my ability to be a better man and better lover. Other courses I have done focused on, for example, techniques to last longer in bed (the symptoms). This coaching programme started right at the core of my relationship with my masculinity and sex, moving deeper into and building on this foundation."


What else has this given you? What effect has the coaching had on your life?

"I understand my masculinity and my role in my relationships far better. I initially thought this coaching programme would simply give me more confidence in the bedroom, and it certainly did that, but it also gave me a lot more confidence as a man. I am a far better man and lover than when I started the programme."


How did you experience my guidance/me as a coach?

"You were amazing. You have a beautiful, calm and supportive energy. Initially I was a little worried as a women you wouldn’t understand the challenges and issues I face as a man, but this turned out to not be an issue at all. You were both insightful and knowledgeable, giving me good insights into things we uncovered in our easy going discussions and through the various practices. I miss chatting with you :) "


Would you recommend this coaching container to others, and why?

"I would highly recommend it. The content and practices both within the coaching container and done after as homework almost always yielded some new insight and progress that I would have taken years to uncover myself.

You are a natural born coach… I am beyond impressed that a lot of the material you were “practicing” with me for the first time. Also… I have already recommended you to two people both of whom have signed up and are loving working with you as much as I did."


Do you have anything else to share?

"Not that I can think of… other than that I do, in fact, miss our sessions together :) "

I grew a lot, even in this short amount of time. It’s amazing to see what is possible in this time, and to realise what really happened. When you are in the process you sometimes don’t realise the steps you do. It’s so helpful to hear your reflections.


I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for you being you, for going on this journey with me, for guiding me, and for really holding space for the transformation. It was really helpful, it showed me that when having a coach, a guide, it makes such a difference then when doing this by myself. You brought me into places that I would never have reached alone, I didn’t even know they were there.


1:1 Coaching client


1:1 Coaching client

"Ik had een verlangen naar helderheid in mezelf. En ik wilde ook vanuit deze helderheid kunnen leven en mijn leven vorm kunnen dragen. Ik had het verlangen om zelf aan het roer te staan. Met dat verlangen ben ik het coachingstraject ingestapt.


Ik denk wat de coaching mij geleerd heeft is dat ik mezelf mag zijn. En wat mezelf is, is natuurlijk veel dieper dan alleen jezelf. Dus dat er allerlei delen in mij zijn die ook aan het roer mogen staan. Dat er allerlei delen zijn in mij die überhaupt aanwezig zijn. En dus niet alleen maar de sociaal gewenste, of die delen die door mijn ouders zijn bevestigd en bestendigd. Wat het nog meer heeft geleerd is dat ik veel meer ben dan het beperkte zelfbeeld wat ikzelf over mezelf had.


Wat ik geleerd heb is dat kwetsbaarheid niet afwijkend is maar ook een deel van mij. En dat raakbaar zijn gewoon is, in plaats van dat daar een oordeel op is. Dus ik heb ook geleerd om wat oordeellozer naar mijzelf te kijken.


Tot slot heb ik geleerd dat onderhoud heel erg belangrijk is. We hebben sessies gehad, dat er toch iets van huiswerk / leefstijl / continueert is. Dat wat je in 55 jaar heb opgebouwd, dat dat heel snel weer terugglijdt in z’n oude groef.  Dat is ook wat ik geleerd heb, ik moet hier meer tijd in brengen, in wat we allemaal besproken hebben.


Ik heb jouw begeleiding ervaren als open, contentieus, precies, speels, vrij, zacht, weten wat je aan het doen bent, to the point, en ondertussen ook vertrouwen, vind ik heel belangrijk, vertrouwen in het proces.  En vertrouwen in de kracht van mij, dat vond ik ook een hele gave. Je vertrouwde mij, en daardoor kon ik juist in mijn kracht staan en kon er heel veel groeien.


Ik zou een coachingstraject aan anderen aanraden en dat is omdat ik je contentieus vind, omdat ik vind dat je andere dingen belicht die in het gewone leven niet belicht worden. Ik denk dat dat heel belangrijk is, waardoor je dus ook op andere oplossingen komt. Of bij andere delen van jezelf uitkomt, die wellicht oplossend kunnen zijn. Waarom zou ik nog meer jou aan anderen aanraden: je grote hart, dat je zo’n groot hart hebt, dat vind ik heel belangrijk, dat mensen begeleidt worden met grote harten."

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